Collapsible content
What does each tab include?
Each tab comes with standard notation (top) and Tabs (bottom) in the same system. Standard notation provide proper rhythm as well as right and left hand fingerings (when applicable).
How do I purchase a tab?
3 simple steps:
1 - Choose the tab you want, make sure to select the proper tuning and in some instances proper grade. Click on Add To Cart or Buy Now
2 - Input your email, address and credit card info. Confirm your purchase
3 - Download the file after checkout, and check your email inbox for the link in case you've missed it
What's the download limit?
Your download link can be used 3 times for download
Why aren't all items available for all tuning?
Fingerstyle as a music style means playing stand-alone pieces of music with melody, bass, and in some cases accompaniment. High G isn't compatible with all of my Low G arrangements due to register and as such I only upload them when appropriate. For baritone players, it is only a matter of time before all my Low G items are also available for Baritone. If you need one now, contact me and request it, I'll add it as soon as possible
What's your return/refund policy?
There is no refund/return policy on digital downloads. If you're not completely satisfied with your tab contact me and I'll do my best to provide a solution. Please double check the tab you're purchasing by listening to it on my YouTube channel
How can I learn how to play fingerstyle?
I'm glad you asked!! the best resource I can provide are my online courses. They're hands down the best value-per-dollar investment when it comes to your options. You can also sign up for lessons if you want a more hands-on approach. Contact me with questions and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!
You can learn about my courses and lessons here: